

The TOEFL® Speaking Test Part 1

In this part you have to speak for 45 seconds about a choice. You will be presented with two situations or opinions. You’ll be asked which you prefer and you need to explain your choice.

Look at the topic below for 15 seconds. You may make notes if you wish

Some people think they can achieve more when they are with other people. Others think they are more productive when they are alone. What is your opinion? Explain why.

     Preparation Time: 15 seconds
     Record Time: 45 seconds

After 15 seconds, please speak into the microphone. You should speak for 45 seconds.

Listen to the sample answer

Text of sample answer

I’m in two minds about this. In some cases it can be really beneficial to be with other people when you’re trying to achieve something. For example, when I was trying to lose weight, I formed a group with some friends. We got together to weigh ourselves once a week. We went swimming and running together too. Being with other people motivated and encouraged me to eat less fatty food and do more exercise, so I think that was really beneficial. On the other hand, I once got together with my friends to form a study group before an exam, and to my mind, that was a waste of time. We spent too long chatting about our teachers, rather than focusing on the work. Then my friends spent ages discussing a topic I knew a lot about already. I’d have accomplished a lot more if I’d spent the afternoon reading on my own. So all in all, I think it depends on the activity whether I’d feel more productive doing something alone or with others.

这个考生的回答听起来很棒吧?表达流利;几乎没有语法和词汇的错误;观点新颖,很critical thinking。但是,这个回答很可能拿不到高分,让我们看看ETS的评分标准。

托福口语评分标准包括3点:Delivery, Language Use, Topic Development. 前两点要求很容易理解,表达流利,熟练正确使用语言,这对口语好的同学也比较容易达到,需要研究的是第三点Topic Development, Independent speaking要看你能否完整地,清楚地表达观点。

我们来看看上面那个考生回答的例子,首先他的回答没有清楚地表达他的观点,虽然我们从他的话里可以推断出他的观点,但是 “I’m in two minds about this”, “In some cases…beneficial to be with other people”, “On the other hand, I once…(没有表达观点直接给例子)” 这些除了第二句表达了部分观点,整个回答没有清楚明确地表达观点。其次,回答录音时间只有45秒,之后说的内容考官是听不到的,上例中45秒内回答没能完整表达观点。从这个例子我们看出,Independent Speaking 第一要注意的是 – 选择一个观点,不要企图支持两个观点,虽然这样回答看起来Smarter, Creative, Critical Thinking, 但这个策略增加了回答的难度,你不容易在45秒内有条理地说清楚,而且这不是ETS考官想要的回答,ETS打分考官(甚至是AI打分机器)被训练得客观地根据固定套路和检查点打分,他们想要得就是你给出明确的观点,然后用2-3个理由和例子加以支持。


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